There are innumerable tales associated with people getting tattoos. These could occur during tough times, instances of intoxication, an error by the tattoo artist, an unwanted outcome of the tattoo design, a lost wager and various other scenarios. A tattoo is a permanent mark and while there are methods to erase it, a scar still remains as a reminder. However, there exist situations where none of the treatments or procedures are effectual and no solutions can be found. Here’s a glance at some of the most unique tattoo instances:
Lopsided Scull Bottom
Here’s a perfect example of a tattoo where you don’t really know whether it is a win or a lose situation. So, depending on your aesthetic perception of it you can say one of the 2 things here:
- This is an amazing tat, it shows an unconventional approach to art and to a human body.
- Why is it lopsided? why so huge? Why on the butt specifically? Why do her buttocks look like to holes? What is she puts bigger pants on? Is the scull going to look like it’s wearing a coronavirus mask?
Disputable, but ok..![This image has an empty alt attribute]()
It’s uncertain how Colonel Sanders might react to such a tattoo. Perhaps he would be honored.
Yes, that is probably going to be the situation. After all, some people would disagree with the message given in this picture. It is everybody’s independant choice what the priority in their life is.
Over The Top?
Now, the tats themselves are not bad at all (with a possible excention with the one with a baby’s face on the lady’s hand, it’s incredibly hard to portray people accurately even on paper or canvas, let alone human skin).
It’s not even about the tattoos, but about the amount of them on the lady’s body. Althought, just like in our first photo, different people might think differently about it. Some will think that it’s way too much, and the natural beauty of a human body is hidden forever in this case. Or you can say that this is art that makes the girl even more beatiful. Both points are absolutely valid.
Holy Cow…
Now, the only question that occurs when seeing this one is ‘What the HECK was this dude thinking?’ Like, honestly, imagine him at the age of sevenly, surrounded by his 5 year old grandkinds somewhere on the beach, for example. How on Earth is he going to explain this after he takes his T-shirt off?
What’s most distasteful is that his navel appears to be a naturally occurring black void on his abdomen. A second glance is necessary to realize that it’s the handiwork of a tattoo artist who applied black ink, thus creating this dreadful visual deception.
Why is the water around the shark red? Ok, because it just ate a bunch of other people, I got it. Why is it bleeding from its nose then? The only logical answer is that the baby refused to give up without a fight. And it is only after both of them threw some punches that the toddler was finally defeated and eaten, which is great: the baby is quite evil-looking, and in this sityation I’m definitely on the shark’s side.
The Best TatToot Ever
Again, when you see something like this amazing piece of art, the only possible question is ‘Whyyy?……’
Oh and a nice detail: if you look closely, you will see that it is a girl who decided to get this tat, but the person IN the tat is most likely a dude and a Metallice fan. Maybe it’s a portrait of her boyfriend/husband?…..
Bad nipple tattoo
Nipple tattoos and nipple piercings can be a sensitive and hurtful matter but some individuals enjoy them, which is perfectly okay. Despite it not being everyone’s cup of tea, this man has chosen to flaunt his body modification with pride. In line with the tattoo, it features a cow’s face, and a piercing running right through his nipple. While it bears a striking resemblance to reality, many may find it off-putting. A sight that may not be appreciated by many. But of course, individual reactions may vary!
No regrets
Ideally, shouldn’t it have stated that correctly? The phrase “no regrets” typically represents a person’s drive and awareness. Nonetheless, this tattoo tells a different story due to a spelling error, which significantly detracts from its intended message. Moreover, the lettering is rather large for an arm tattoo and it comes across as too overpowering. Who’s responsible for this tattoo? Is it the fault of the tattoo artist who may not be well-versed in spelling, or does the blame fall on the client for providing incorrect spelling? Regardless, the harm is already done, hence, it might be best to consider having this tattoo permanently erased.
Oh my…why?
Let’s wish that this isn’t a forever situation, but given that it’s on our list, it certainly seems to be. A girl appears to be part of the equation. Observing something like this could arguably provoke deep doubts about her condition while acquiring this tattoo, as it is far from ordinary. What woman would purposely choose to have a stinking pile of feces inked on her back? Moreover, what guy would appreciate seeing such on a girl? If this was intended to be a gag, it indeed failed. This needs to be eradicated straight away, regardless of any agony experienced during removal.
Dark Marilyn
Marilyn’s fame is globally renowned, and she is acknowledged as a historical starlet. Despite her breathtaking looks attracting countless high-profile men of her era, few have ventured to have her image etched on their skin in the form of a tattoo. Even so, present-day tattoo artists can proficiently create aesthetically pleasing Marilyn tattoos. Unfortunately, this instance is not an example of that. The depicted image, along with the quality of ink and skin’s state, are subpar. Overall, it’s a complete letdown.
Ninja nose turtle
You’ve definitely never witnessed something like this before, right? There’s always a first in everything. The character in discussion is Michelangelo from the famed Ninja Turtles crew. A man, clearly a fanatic of the Ninja turtles, has gone so far as to etch Michelangelo on his entire nose. The tattoo is colored using ink and features green, orange, and white, making it seem as though a worm is emerging out of the man’s nose. It’s quite revolting and incomprehensible that someone would do such a thing. The narrative behind this peculiar tattoo is likely to remain a mystery forever.
Failed child love
Indeed, it’s a bit unnerving. This man has chosen to imprint a tattoo of a child’s face onto his own. While it could be his offspring, his motive behind this decision remains a mystery. Despite the assumed good intentions, the execution falls short. The child’s head is disproportionately large for the man’s facial features and even extends to his earlobe. It’s a startling sight, and unfortunately, the effect is permanent. From a distance, this man appears to have two heads, potentially frightening to children.
Stupid fan
It’s uncertain whether this gentleman was simply trying to quote a well-known song lyric or if he was an actual fan. His flawed tattoo will always be a mystery. Can you spot the error? Unfortunately, he misspelled the artist’s name and even mistakenly gave him a new one. It’s quite disheartening. Wouldn’t it be beneficial if individuals did a little more research beforehand? Granted, there must be many similar instances, but in this case, John Bon Jovi has been humorously rebranded as Jon Bovi. Don’t you find it amusing? Our hope is that he has since rectified this by getting it removed or corrected.
Checkerboard face
The extent of commitment and passion this man must have had is considerable. Tattooing your whole face is enormously significant, and one has to wonder, why a checkerboard motif? The face is replete with nerve endings and receptors, rendering the experience of getting tattooed potentially unpleasant and even severe. Given that the eventual result is rather dreadful and daunting, it can only be classified as a complete fiasco. He bears a resemblance to an intimidating prison inmate, perhaps guilty of a severe crime. Quite frightening indeed!
Drake’s #1 fan
Drake’s popularity is indeed immense. He enjoys a fan base that extends to every corner of the globe, and there’s hardly anyone who isn’t captivated by his musical prowess. As a multi-award-winning artist, his single tracks frequently top the charts and his concerts sell out in mere minutes. His fans are everywhere, from social media platforms to live audiences. However, one particular fan may surpass all others in their dedication. This individual has chosen to express their admiration by having Drake’s name tattooed across their forehead. It’s a testament to how adoration can sometimes transcend expected limits.
Programming junkie
Yet another bizarre tattoo that one might consider is this particular one. It’s no surprise that technology and coding are enjoying a period of growth, with an increasing demand for such professionals. Children are now starting to learn about computers at an exceptionally young age. However, the person who got this tattoo is not a youngster and hasn’t displayed any impressive skills with his ink. Choosing to have a long computer formula inked on your whole arm, from top to bottom, which seemingly means nothing, is an absolute catastrophe. It’s an extremely ill-advised decision!
Did you mean courage?
When opting to get a meaningful phrase inked, it is essential to ensure the text is written accurately. Remember, the tattoo artist will replicate what you provide. Furthermore, the quote should ideally convey a meaningful and authentic notion. Regrettably, in this instance both requirements are found lacking. The word “courage” is spelled incorrectly, giving off a hint of illiteracy and tarnishing the tattoo. Moreover, the intended message of the tattoo is unclear, adding to its shortcomings. The spelling error is one thing, but an ambiguous meaning is another error in itself.
Marry or merry?
In conclusion, this is an event that this man will undoubtedly remember for the rest of his existence. Evidently, he believes Nina to be his soulmate, and he’s proposing to her by getting a tattoo. If she declines, this ink will serve as an everlasting testament to his foolishness. Conversely, if she accepts his proposal, he will need to rectify the spelling errors. Frequently, such typos occur, and it would be more than beneficial if a literate individual from the tattoo parlour could give it a once-over before finalizing the design. Certain actions resonate for a lifetime, and this is unquestionably one of them. The tattoo covers his entire back and is on public display, eternally? That’s an exceedingly poor manner of popping the question, if you ask me.
Playlist for ever
This tattoo blunder is simply one more addition to the vast array of epic tattoo mistakes. The puzzling question is, why one would go to the lengths of inking a specific song playlist on their arm? There seems to be no rational reason for this. Will these be the only songs this individual listens to for the rest of their life, or were they simply so enamored with these tunes that they feared forgetting them? There’s no valid justification for this musical list tattoo, and the person involved must surely regret making such a decision. This incident just highlights the extent to which a person can act illogically!
Favorite band
Everyone has a favorite singer or band they admire, often due to their musical talent and success. However, who would go as far as to tattoo their images? Unless you have a somewhat obsessive fan nature, it seems unlikely. Still, the man in this photograph made the staggering decision to display his devotion for his favorite band- Green Day, by inking their portrait across his entire back. We all know Green Day’s fame cannot be questioned, but having a full-back tattoo for them? That’s not the usual fan gesture.
What’s the narrative here? We could hypothesize this scenario: Jeb Bush is likely a schoolmate. During a school outing, when drinks are flowing, absurd events are all too common. One such absurdity being, getting the name of your prospective class president inked on your neck. What were the reasons behind it? Was it a campaign stunt? Or was it the consequence of a lost bet? Regardless, the tattoo is often the subject of curiosity, leading to incessant questioning. It would be advisable for the individual to have it removed as soon as possible, and treat its existence as a lapse in memory.
Mustache tattoo
This is alarming indeed. It’s hard to fathom how this kind of tattooing became a family ritual. Having a phrase tattooed in the area above your lip seems mindless and totally unnecessary. Facial tattoos seldom enhance appearances. The tiny star tattoo on the right, its purpose baffles me. Some folks apparently have no idea what to do with themselves. Tattoo artists should probably consider advising their customers thoughtfully, especially when they come with such unique requests. A tattoo like this, on the moustache area, is unlikely to be concealed, even by actual facial hair.
New hot dog logo
Amongst all the stunning tattoos out there, why would anyone opt for something like this? Can you comprehend the thought behind it? Was it an attempt to promote a new venture? The logo and slogan certainly suggest so. The representation of a hot dog as a human body, complete with some ketchup, is quite interesting. This vibrant tattoo is a work of art, albeit not quite appropriate for someone’s skin. The message has been relayed; all that’s left is to learn what transpired with the hot dog venture.
Meat obsession
This compilation appears infinite, filled with botched and ridiculous tattoos. We each have our preferred foods that we adore. However, the notion of having images of meat tattooed on your back is astounding. And it ranges from poultry wings and sausages to steak. Who would consider this normal? Definitely not! The artwork is atrocious, resembling the handiwork of a young child at a daycare center. An additional curiosity is if the person is pleased with the result and why this tattoo was published on social media for all to see. It’s an absolute debacle!
Bike accident
Attaining a bicycle tattoo can be enticing, and it represents a plethora of optimistic signals. Nevertheless, the artwork demands meticulous circular strokes, and the tattoo artist must be attuned to that. It appears that the artist in question failed to deliver the desired outcome. The tattoo seems as if it’s been through a mishap. Its quality is subpar, and the artist, with this performance, honestly shouldn’t be allowed to continue their work. For the tattoo recipient, it might be worth considering getting it removed.
Star constellation
This image says it all. Choosing to have a star constellation tattooed on your face only to end up with such a horrifying outcome must surely be the result of a misguided night of inebriation. The morning surprise in the mirror must have been quite a shock for this girl. The tattoo’s design incorporates stars, some ink-filled, others not, portrayed as celestial bodies of both daylight and nighttime. The concept behind this tattoo is just horrid, as it makes the girl appear as if she’s walked straight out of a film—definitely not a sight you’d want to see on a daily basis.
All Star all over
Here’s another instance where an exaggerated passion ends up with undesirable outcomes. It’s a well-known fact that many men have a penchant for sneakers, particularly the Chuck Taylor model from the All-Star brand. One particular individual had such a deep fondness for these shoes that he made the drastic decision to ink his entire foot with a tattoo mirroring the shoe. The result? His foot now resembles an actual sneaker. We won’t delve into the quality of the tattoo execution, but the overall concept and its visual impact leaves much to be desired.
No purpose
The immediate reaction upon viewing this tattoo is – what’s it supposed to be? Regardless of how long you stare, no answers surface. The woman’s motivation to get this particular tattoo remains a mystery. She poses for a photo with her newborn, not bothering to conceal the tattoo which, unfortunately, comes across as a complete blunder. The circular marking around the eye lacks any discernible reason. This appears to be a practice run of a tattoo on a toy rather than a real person. For the welfare of her baby, she ought to have it removed!
Australian patriot
Conveying the intended message effectively is far superior to an entirely botched tattoo. In this man’s case, while the concept was commendable, the implementation was a disaster. The stars are inconsistent; the ink color varies, and the attempt at representing Australia through a geographic shape was unsuccessful. Then, the kangaroo on the right – it’s worth noting too. Accurate planning and seeking professional advice could have produced a meaningful and aesthetically pleasing tattoo. Regrettably, this has ended up as a complete flop.
Disabled tattoo
This represents another instance where the tattoo is placed on a nipple. The question arises – what exactly is the intent behind this? Is it to represent yourself as having a disability or to offer solidarity to those with disabilities? Additionally, why choose such a peculiar location for a tattoo? It can be seen as distasteful, and may not appeal to many. There are numerous other ways to convey a message, and this method might set a poor precedent and potentially offend others. As for the tattoo artistry, it leaves much to be desired and perhaps should not have been revealed.
Britney breakdown
You likely are already familiar with the psychological crisis that consumed Britney Spears. This renowned 90s’ vocalist faced a period of considerable mental instability, which was widely publicised. It’s plausible this was tied to her divorce, or perhaps another cause, but it resulted in a dramatic action – Britney shaved her head. As a sign of solidarity, one ardent fan chose to inscribe her image, sans hair, as a tattoo on his body. The finished product is decidedly unnerving; Britney’s head seems to be ripped straight from a horror film, surrounded as it is by an alarmingly realistic depiction of blood. Indeed, the image could truly be likened to a scene from a terrifying movie.
Avocado Millennials
Millennials’ affection for avocados has reached new heights. Merely sharing images of the delightful green fruit, whether it’s spread on toast or turned into guacamole, isn’t sufficient for some. A few people are elevating their love to a more extreme level – getting an avocado tattoo. However, this is not a tiny, barely noticeable avocado, but a large one, split down the middle with a skull in place of the seed. This rather unappealing tattoo is likely the outcome of a joke, carried perhaps a step too far.
Aaron Carter has a medusa
Aaron Carter is recognized as the sibling of Nick Carter and he is often identified as the troublesome kid within their family. He frequently engaged in actions that were considered problematic. At a certain heated moment, he chose to get a tattoo. However, this wasn’t your everyday, compelling or meaningful tattoo. What he got was a huge, attention-grabbing, less appealing image of Medusa, spanning from one side of his face down to his neck. The tattooist who worked on this piece later mentioned that Aaron seemed to be in some sort of trance during the process, as if he were possessed. The artist claimed that had he not intervened, Aaron would have ended up with his whole face covered in ink.
Human avatar
If you’ve ever watched the film Avatar, you’d recognize the beings with blue skin. Similarly, this human here possesses a blue face. However, what’s more startling is the piercing through the eye – an incredibly risky act that could have led to severe injuries due to such recklessness. Another notable feature is the tattoo. Blending with green, the only uninked area appears to be the nose’s apex. Frankly, the whole look is odd, intimidating, and lacks appeal.
Tyson tribal
Mike Tyson, once a prominent figure in the world of boxing, enjoyed significant fame during his tenure. At the height of his career, he was considered invincible. His popularity took another turn after an incident in which he bit a fellow boxer’s ear during a match. Post this event, there were rumors of Tyson having a mental breakdown. Later, he made headlines again, this time for a facial tattoo. This tribal design attracts curiosity about its particular meaning, which remains unknown. However, Tyson appears content with it, and that’s all that truly matters.
There is a guideline related to tattoos that is often overlooked. When the skin begins to sag with age, tattoos may not appear as attractive as before. That’s why tattoo artists often advise considering how the tattoo will age along with the skin. However, some individuals choose to ignore such advice. The man depicted in this photo serves as a prime example. His face, scalp, and neck are completely covered in unsettling tattoos which, now that he is an elderly gentleman, look miserable. Truth be told, it gives him the semblance of an inmate.
Ice cold
Another failed and ridiculous tattoo is up next, featuring an ice cream motif. This tattoo bizarrely depicts lightning being emitted from an ice cream cone, along with the word “Brr” written on it. Whatever the angle, it seems to lack any discernible meaning or originality. What was the rationale behind this? What’s the end goal? And importantly, why in the world would it be inked on the face? There are numerous questions surrounding it, with no apparent answers. It’s safe to assume this guy has been the butt of several jokes by now. Overall, it’s a poorly executed and tasteless tattoo!
Oh no!
Why would a woman choose to act in such a way? Ladies are stereotypically perceived as neat, gentle creatures who are expected to constantly exude a pleasant fragrance. However, this tattoo defies that notion. An onion tattoo under the armpit? What could possibly trigger such a concept? It’s so revolting that it barely warrants an explanation. The quality of the tattoo is also unsatisfactory. It’s overdone with obscure colors and its size is quite big. It’s unclear as to who should bear the blame for this tasteless display – the tattooist or the woman who perhaps intended to come off as humorous? This tattoo stands as a testimony to a poorly executed idea.
Damn this is bad!
Can you imagine anything more terrifying than a shellfish pinching your nipple? It’s mind-boggling as to why anyone would choose to do this. The shellfish tattoo does appear quite lively, has accurate colors, and even displays some artistic merit. However, the setting of this design takes the cake. It starts from the shoulder, extends across it and reaches towards the chest, with the pincer gripping the nipple. What’s the motive behind this tattoo? Yes, it’s unique, I give you that, but it’s also incredibly foolish.
According to Darwin, humans descended from apes, which is a widely recognized theory of human evolution. Etching this progression into one’s skin as a tattoo isn’t a common sight. The implications are profound – we originate from animals, but we aren’t animals ourselves. Given the validity of this concept, is it necessary to display it permanently as a tattoo? Moreover, is it required to visually represent the full span of evolution? It’s undeniable that Darwin would be delighted to witness such a manifestation.
Unfinished mermaid
Not much can be added about the craftsmanship of this piece. Women, and even little girls, seem particularly captivated by mermaids, possibly because of connections drawn to Ariel from “The Little Mermaid.” More often than not, their admiration is expressed through wearing mermaid-themed costumes. However, the man in question here clearly had a unique concept in mind. Sadly, his tattoo artist couldn’t deliver as desired, and this resulted in an unfinished and poor-quality tattoo that resembles a child’s scribble. The entire tattoo leaves a lot to be desired. This is yet another failed tattoo that should be concealed or preferably, removed.
Angry flying planes?
The tattoo, inked on a girl, features a depiction of two seemingly irate aircraft, complete with teeth and scowling faces. They are angled downwards, as if preparing to engage in a daring dive. Yet the tattoo gives no indication about the destination of this dive. This, in combination with the girl’s motivation to get such an eccentric tattoo, fuels speculation. It’s a humorous, bewildering representation that prompts several questions but offers no profound answers. Essentially, it resembles a scene from a cartoon and arguably does not belong where it is.
Friends forever
We all have friends who support us, and we reciprocate that support. We might acknowledge them on social media and the like, but having their names etched permanently on our bodies is a completely different matter. A particular individual, despite unclear circumstances whether from a wild night out or a lost wager, got three names inked onto his body. This tattoo has many flaws: its placement, choice of text style, the lettering, and the quality of the ink – nothing seems right about it. Furthermore, the way all the names are simply strewn across the skin appears to suggest a hit list rather than a tribute to unending friendship. Then there’s the question of whether it’s located on a leg, but it’s difficult to discern due to the poor quality of the tattoo.
McDonald’s lover
It’s beyond comprehension why anyone of sound mind would opt for such an absurdity. It makes little sense to ink one’s skin with a receipt from a fast food place. Regardless of whether this was motivated by revenge, it is startlingly incomprehensible. It’s apparent from the receipt that it originates from Norway, indicating that the bearer of this peculiar tattoo may be Norwegian. Yet, when examined from any angle, there is no plausible rationale for it. This move is an utter failure and wholly meaningless. To permanently etch your meal order onto your hand is an absolute catastrophe.
Major misconception
Beginning with this tattoo, one can’t help but question the man’s rationale behind it. Apparently, he lacks a full understanding of the profound symbolism this sign carries; had he known, he might have reconsidered. The tattoo suggests a deep-seated social unrest within the person, implying a desire to communicate something. However, his communication is not successful and entirely misses the mark. While some may find it offensive, others may ridicule it. Also, the inclusion of the phrase ‘white power’ beneath it only exacerbates things.